The most convenient way to refill your medical oxygen tanks is to do it at home with a personal oxygen tank refill system. We offer a selection of new, used and reconditioned oxygen tank fill systems. We specialize in the Invacare Homefill in house tank filling system. Invacare makes the premier tank filling system currently, while the competition has, or will be stopping production of their systems. The Homefill system in made up of a few pieces. First is the Oxygen Concentrator which makes the oxygen. The next piece is the Homefill compressor that sits on top of the concentrator using a wire rack system. There is a special oxygen hose that clips into the Oxygen Concentrator and the Homefill Compressor to allow the oxygen to travel between the two pieces. Lastly is the oxygen bottle. The Invacare Homefill system requires a proprietary oxygen bottle with a special fitting to hook it into the compressor. You can get a bottle in three main sizes such as an M4, M6, and M9. At a standard rate of 2 Liters Per Minute on Pulse Setting, these bottles can provide up to eight hours of oxygen. You can also get the bottle with a regulator built into it, or you can get a bottle with no regulator, if you decide you want to use your own. If you are a hobbyist and want to fill large tanks, you can also source a high quality stainless steel adapter to allow you to fill your own large K size oxygen tanks. Just be aware that this can take 24 to 36 hours to fill your cylinder, and puts an extreme amount of wear on your compressor. Maintenance is simply to just clean the foam filter on the back of the machine as needed! Our units come with a standard 90 day warranty. Ask about our warranty extension!